Mpact experiences take Mentees on a guided professional learning journey with our Mentors

Mpacts are Designed to make an Impact
By Noa Daniel
It had been bothering me for years. You can go to amazing conferences, have excellent professional development or learning experiences, but they just don’t always transfer back to the classroom or educational context. I will pick up great morsels to try out or immediately add in my classroom, but I have never manifested the change in my practice that I dream is possible when I’m immersed in an amazing conference or am inspired by a learning scenario. Why is that? Is it a lack of will or determination? Is it just me? It turns out that it’s not. Actually, this is a common reality, and it was proven a while ago. Professional development does not always equal learning.
What happens when teachers are stuck during their return to the classroom, attempting to implement new learning but needing support? I also wondered about the direction of the learning and how it could be malleable enough to change in view of the learners. The challenges with courses or many different learning experiences, is that they are immutable in nature. The course is set and change happens in between courses through reflection to alter the syllabus. That is not true of our work at The Mentoree.

Can a course change course in progress? What if the model was an M instead of a W? What if you entered The Mentoree as a first step. Then, you would understand the forms of supportive mentorship we offer and expect the experience to be connected. Then the 3 touch points would have a few weeks in between them for implementation, reflection, and iteration. You could share feedback that would help the facilitator evolve what they were teaching to the needs of the people in the experience, and it would be a little bit different with each group. Change would then be the result because the educator experienced learning through a supportive mentorship model that comes from both the Mentor and the community. Plus, the support wouldn’t have to end when the experience ended. An Mpact is not a course; it’s an experience.
How can I Lead an Mpact?
We are so excited that you are interested in leading an Mpact! In order to do so, you must become a part of our 1:1 Mentorship Community.
If you are new to The Mentoree, click on the button below and fill out the Application form. You will then be directed to The Mentoree’s Google Classroom where you will be able to access resources to help you get started on your Mentorship journey. If you are already part of our community, please click on the form in the Classroom!