Every teacher deserves the opportunity to connect with the mentors they need to evolve their pedagogy and feel better equipped to teach their learners.
Both Mentors and Mentees can search the to find an educator with whom they want to work.
Registered Mentors and Mentees can connect with and learn from each other on their time and in their way.
Mentorship at The Mentoree is a process not a program. Your self directed mentorship experiences can be supported through the community in many different ways.
Hear what our Mentors and Mentees have to say:

Once you register as a Mentor or Mentee, you have full access to our The Mentoree Hub with profiles of Mentors and Mentees and early access to both events and leading learning opportunities.
Choose a Mentor or Mentee with whom you would like to connect and then reach out, make connections, decide how and how often they will meet, and go from there. These mentorship relationships may focus on a short term goal or they may be longer lasting relationships that provide just-in-time support on an ongoing basis. We begin with an orientation video to ensure that our community members have an understanding of the foundations of our approach to mentorship.
Mentors have volunteered their time to be available for 1:1 Mentorship. Registered Mentors also have the opportunity to lead in different aspects of the community.
Mentees are passionate educators who would like to connect with a Mentor. Mentees are interested in learning from and teaching others to support their professional and personal growth.
What You Get
Mentors get the opportunity to :
- connect with and build a relationship with a Mentee
- develop their skills as collaborators, consultants, and coaches (working fluidly between the 3C’s as identified by Wellman, Humbard and Lipton, 2003)
- share knowledge and experiences in ways that will contribute to another educator’s personal and professional growth
What You Get
Mentees get the opportunity to:
- build a relationship with a Mentor
- learn with/from your Mentor
- find inspiration and support
What You Give
Mentors give:
- their willingness and time to be contacted by and connected to a Mentee
- their skills as collaborators, consultants, and coaches (working fluidly between the 3C’s as idenitified by Wellman, Humbard and Lipton, 2003)
What You Give
Mentees who register with 1:1 Mentorship Community are interested in connecting with potential Mentors for the purpose of learning. When a mutually agreeable connection is made, Mentees give their time to learn with their chosen Mentor.
Mentors have volunteered their time to be available for 1:1 Mentorship. Registered Mentors also have the opportunity to lead in different aspects of the community.
What You Get
Mentors get the opportunity to :
- connect with and build a relationship with a Mentee
- develop their skills as collaborators, consultants, and coaches (working fluidly between the 3C’s as identified by Wellman, Humbard and Lipton, 2003)
- share knowledge and experiences in ways that will contribute to another educator’s personal and professional growth
What You Give
Mentors give:
- their willingness and time to be contacted by and connected to a Mentee
- their skills as collaborators, consultants, and coaches (working fluidly between the 3C’s as idenitified by Wellman, Humbard and Lipton, 2003)
Mentees are passionate educators who would like to connect with a Mentor. Mentees are interested in learning from and teaching others to support their professional and personal growth.
What You Get
Mentees get the opportunity to:
- build a relationship with a Mentor
- learn with/from your Mentor
- find inspiration and support
What You Give
Mentees who register with 1:1 Mentorship Community are interested in connecting with potential Mentors for the purpose of learning. When a mutually agreeable connection is made, Mentees give their time to learn with their chosen Mentor.
How do I Join?
Joining is simple!
Click on the button below and complete our Orientation. You will then be directed to the “Community” area where you will be able to create your profile as a Mentor, Mentee, or both! We’re so excited to help you get started on your mentorship journey!